Sunday, April 5, 2009

Splat, Money and Rain

Today fangren was an usher in church (ie. swanky on the outside, inside is a different story) He wore a SUPER RICH purple shirt. Moving on, we celebrated naomi's birthday about 3 days later but there was CAKE! Ok, maybe I just enlarged it to make it look bigger.... But it was really nice, I got the group photo right here:

Then of course, the birthday girl got her face driven into the cake, courtesy of fangren:

Way to go dude :) After splat, Ruth gave me $10 as part of the $700 she owes me. $MONEY$

Then when I was going home, the biggest torrential rain I have ever seen made the stairs into waterfalls, REALLY!
Going to upload the pics on facebook now, come see at:

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